Ciao! Palazzo Pizzo has a new home!
/Our first postcard for our guests in pizzo!
Dear Readers,
I am exited to write my very first post for my old blog on a new website!
I have moved my blog (after over 8 years!) from Blogger to Squarespace - which allows me not only to continue blogging but also to present other subjects like travel info and our guest residence in a more neat look with better navigation.
The blog RSS feed has not changed. So if you have subscribed already, you should get this post in your email box, I hope. Otherwise stop by sometimes. Like us on Facebook, instagram, pinterest or sign up for a newsletter. I plan just 2 newsletters per year to keep our guest and future visitors up to date with our new project. I haven't been blogging much about it (too many headaches) but it's coming along!
Thank you dear readers, for staying connected with the blog and me over the years, even though I am on the real slow blogging side ;-)
In a few days, I will be in Pizzo - and try out the blogging on the go mobile app. Finally some action on the blog!
A presto, saluti